For a long while I've been keeping a "things to try" list. Every time I see a meal that looks appetizing, beach that looks relaxing or location I'd like to visit it gets added to the list and when I'm in a new place I check the list to see if I can check anything off. This weekend I'm in San Diego helping my mom move so I dutifully checked the list. I shared my San Diego items with the group and the consensus was Karl Strauss Brewery. This is a chain all over Southern California but I read a good review over on Serious Eats that mentioned they had one of the best burgers in North County so we gave it a shot.
In the review Erin Jackson raved about the Big Beer Burger so that is what I ordered, along with a Woodie Gold pint (think hoppy Stella Artois) because who goes to a brewery and doesn't sample the goods? Four beers are used in the preparation of this beast, some of it apparent, others not so much. IPA onions and Red Alley Ale mushrooms topped the burger patty which had been basted in their Amber Lager and in-between was the best part; Woodie Gold brined thick cut bacon. The bacon was easily the best part of this burger, which says a lot because the basting of the patty made it one of the best I have had in a long while. The onions and mushrooms left room for improvement as they were room temperature at best, I might even describe them as cold. On top of being cold, the onions and mushrooms didn't really have any added flavor from the bear they were cooked in. The burger is supposed to be joined by an IPA steak sauce but mine lacked this addition so I cannot comment on it's quality.
On a scale of 1-10 I would rate this burger a 7.5. Based on the review I read I was expecting a 9 so there was a bit of let down, but still quality was had. The biggest cons were the cold toppings and the fact that the bun was un-toasted and lacked any kind of sauce or mayo/aioli. Every burger needs something between the bun and burger, whether it is a little char from toasting or some kind of sauce but there has to be something.
With just a couple improvements this could be damn near a perfect burger.