I only need 22% of the country to vote for me and I can win the next election. Just have to win these states and I can be the next president. Don't even have to bother with California, New York or Florida.
- Wyoming
- District of Columbia
- Vermont
- North Dakota
- Alaska
- South Dakota
- Delaware
- Montana
- Rhode Island
- New Hampshire
- Maine
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Nebraska
- West Virginia
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- Utah
- Kansas
- Arkansas
- Mississippi
- Iowa
- Connecticut
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- South Carolina
- Alabama
- Colorado
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Maryland
- Missouri
- Tennessee
- Arizona
- Indiana
- Massachusetts
- Virginia
- New Jersey
Win those states and you too can be president with 78% of the country voting against you!
[from Grey's Blog]
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