Thursday, March 24, 2011

FCC official: ‘No way chairman’s office rubber stamps’ AT&T’s T-Mobile acquisition

From The Wall Street Journal

AT&T Inc.'s $39 billion deal to acquire T-Mobile USA from Deutsche Telekom AG could be facing an uphill climb at the Federal Communications Commission.

"There's no way the chairman's office rubber-stamps this transaction. It will be a steep climb to say the least," said an FCC official on Wednesday. The official declined to comment on the record.

So if the FCC doesn't approve the sale aren't they kind of saying "No I'm sorry.  You have to go out of business instead."?  If T-Mobile USA (my understanding is that Deutsche Telekom is doing fine in the rest of the world, they just want to purge the US division) does just fold up shop the Unites States consumer still in the same place.  The only difference will be how much money is in the AT&T coffers.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.

[via BGR and TUAW]

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