Friday, February 18, 2011

Gawker's Gulp Moment

According to Quantcast, which directly measures the sites, Gawker’s U.S. daily unique visitors were cut in half from a high of 561,000 to 257,000 (see chart above). Gizmodo dropped from 746,000 to 420,000 in the U.S. Sitemeter shows an even more harrowing freefall for Gizmodo (see chart at right). Jezebel and Deadspin also took hits. Only Lifehacker seems to be holding steady.

Ouch, not the kind of numbers you want to see.  Good to see Lifehacker readers keeping steady.  

My biggest issue with the site redesign is linking on mobile devices.  Instead of going to the actual page it just loads a mobile version of the site which lists articles chronologically.  Not very helpful if the link you've been given is for an article that was posted more than 15 minutes ago.


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