Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can you make my phone a flashlight please?

I've been waiting for someone to review or just make a list of apps that do nothing but turn the LED flash on the new iPhone 4 on.  The glorious day has finally come.

Everyone please give a warm round of applause for Kyle VanHemert from Gizmodo because he has braved the App Store and done tireless work for each and every American... with an iPhone 4. Oh and go read the article, "New Apps Turn Your iPhone 4's LED Flash Into a Flashlight."

After trying them all I'm a fan of FlashLight4G. I think the description says it all,

FlashLight4G is a very simple flashlight application,but very useful!
Flash LED for iPhone4 can be turned ON/OFF quickly.

・Blinking mode equipped
・Cool real flashlight picture

It's simple, decent icon and best of all it's free. And who could live without "cool real flashlight picture?"

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