Thursday, November 18, 2010

Luddites on a plane

Despite all the reports and blog posts recently my TSA experience today was pretty tame.  Just the normal metal detector and bag X-Rays, no one even tried to grab my junk.  Uneventful flight went something like this; watched a crappy movie, quick nap and then I decided to read a little Gladwell on my Kindle.  

A few chapters in to my book the captain announces our approach to Atlanta and asks for all electronics to be turned off.  Normally I leave the wireless off on my Kindle to conserve the battery and this time was no different.  As I have my Kindle sitting in my lap and tells me I need to turn it off.  I tell her it is off which she shrugs off and moves on.  About this time I look around and there are multiple people still reading their dead tree books so I figure I can keep reading.  

This time the Steve Slater wannabe gives me a snarky, "Uh, that needs to be turned off." I tell him is off and that it is only really "on" when you turn a page.  "Oh so it is always like that, 24/7?" he responds.  He then puts his hand out and asks for it.  I oblige as I have no desire to be considered "a threat" just because this dude has never heard of Kindles.  The gentleman slides the switch on the top which turns on the screensaver.  He slides it again and we are looking at the writing again.  I can see he's getting frustrated when he notices at the top right corner of the screen it says off.  Normally this would be where the bars are on wireless devices but, as I said earlier, I leave the wireless off.  Now the flight attendant is trying to press the "off button" on the screen.  I try to hold it back but a small chuckle escapes. He looks down and gives me the evil eye like I'm playing some practical joke on him when I tell him it is not a touch screen device.  Then he hands it back to me and demands that I "stow it or lose it."

Maybe next time he sees a Kindle he'll just keep on picking up trash huh?

Monday, November 8, 2010

What's the deal Microsoft?

In early promotion for the new motion controller Kinect, Microsoft was advertising the integration with Netflix.  As this promo video shows, as well as the picture above.



Except now that Kinect has been released there is still no Netflix support.  

As Netflix said on twitter,

@sethcheek We cont to discuss the addition of Kinect features to the Netflix app on Xbox. No def plans or dates have yet been established.

If this is the case then why did Microsoft advertise like it was a working product?  This seems very similar to Microsoft's issue with Rovio, the creators of Angry Birds.

So the question stands, What's the deal Microsoft?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Toy Story Box Set, Yay! or Nay?

Toy Story and its sequels are some of the best animation movies ever produced. I believe Toy Story 3 is currently the highest grossing animated film ever. With that being said when I heard that Amazon was taking pre-orders for the Toy Story Trilogy Box Set I headed straight over.

I click the link from Engadget HD and see that Amazon is pricing the new box set at $69.99 with free shipping to Prime members (free year to students ya know, or really anyone with a .edu email address). Not a bad deal considering what you get; Blu-ray, DVD and digital copy of each movie as well as a full Blu-ray disc of behind the scenes features and whatnot. Just before I pulled the trigger on another treasure for my collection I decided to check on the solo movie prices. This is what I found.

Toy Story can be had for $20.00 which includes the Blu-ray and DVD versions of the movie and no digital version.

Toy Story 2 is available for $20.00 which also includes the Blu-ray and DVD versions, but again is missing the digital version.

Toy Story 3 sells for $28.99 (November 2nd release date) which will include both the Blu-ray and DVD versions but this time they include the digital version also.

So ala carte will cost me $68.99 with no digital versions of the first two movies included. Meanwhile, $69.99 will get all three Blu-rays, DVDs and the digital versions.  Are digital versions of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 worth a dollar to you?  I know where I stand.


All links to Amazon products on this page are through my associates program so if you would like to pick any of these up please click through here! Thanks -MF

Friday, July 16, 2010

Give it a second, it's going to space.

All this controversy about the antenna problems and everything else with the new iPhone just reminds me of this bit by Louis CK when he was on Conan awhile ago.  

Maybe everyone just needs to calm down.  You did buy a phone on AT&T after all, did you really expect to be able to make calls anyway? (is joke, is joke. . . sort of)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can you make my phone a flashlight please?

I've been waiting for someone to review or just make a list of apps that do nothing but turn the LED flash on the new iPhone 4 on.  The glorious day has finally come.

Everyone please give a warm round of applause for Kyle VanHemert from Gizmodo because he has braved the App Store and done tireless work for each and every American... with an iPhone 4. Oh and go read the article, "New Apps Turn Your iPhone 4's LED Flash Into a Flashlight."

After trying them all I'm a fan of FlashLight4G. I think the description says it all,

FlashLight4G is a very simple flashlight application,but very useful!
Flash LED for iPhone4 can be turned ON/OFF quickly.

・Blinking mode equipped
・Cool real flashlight picture

It's simple, decent icon and best of all it's free. And who could live without "cool real flashlight picture?"


Cristina Poetto []I still cannot believe that Cupidtino is an actual dating site.  According to Techcrunch this site is already pulling in five figures a month off lonely fanboys and fangirls.

Chappelle's Show 
Trading Spouses

Buy Chappelle's Show DVDsBlack ComedyTrue Hollywood Story

Back in 2003 Dave Chappelle had a bit on The Chappelle Show called "Trading Spouses" and then not long after ABC started airing the reality show version, "Wife Swap."

This dating site has the same feel to me, started as a joke and next thing you know it's actually happening.

I should really start that petition for "America's Next Top President."  Only a few years till Obama is on the block! Who's with me?

It's funny because it's true...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Now that's a bumper I can get behind...


ElementCASE has just opened pre-orders for their new Vapor4 bumper case.  This looks to be far and away the best bumper case you're going to find. It won't be coming cheap though.  Starting at $80 and up to $100 with an Carbon Fiber back plate this is one pricey case.  Coming from the same company that sells the Joule iPad stand the quality and pricing look very similiar.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

iPhone 4 or Evo 4G? Tough call

iPhone 4 vs. Evo 4G

Evo 4g vs. iPhone 4

Awesome stuff from tinywatchproductions

Thursday, June 24, 2010

10s of millions of FaceTime devices in 2010

So Techcrunch has a rumor (here) that the new iMacs will run iOS. If that is the case one could assume they will have FaceTime as well.  One could also assume the new iPod Touch, probably to be released this September, will be a "FaceTime" device as well. That 10s of millions is starting to make a little more sense now.  

The WiFi restriction on FaceTime would pose no problem to either the iMac or presumed new iPod Touch. Will this be the year that we finally see a camera (or two?!) in the iPod Touch?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lakers/Celtics... again

Photo: REUTERSSo after last nights Lakers Championship I thought I would look at NBA Finals Numbers.  This is what I found.

2009-10 was the 64th NBA Final

Of the 64 years the Finals have been in existence the Lakers and/or Celtics have been involved in 40 of them. That is 63% of all the Finals played

Lakers have 30 appearances and 16 titles

Celtics have 21 appearances and 17 titles

The Lakers and Celtics have met in the finals 12 times, with the Celtics winning 9 of those series.

The Celtics (17) and Lakers (16) are far and away the leaders in NBA Championships. No other team has double-digit titles. The next closest team after them is the Chicago Bulls with 6. After the Bulls no team has won more than 4, starting with the San Antonio Spurs (4), Golden State Warriors (3), Philadelphia 76ers (3), Detroit Pistons (3),  Washington Wizards (2), Houston Rockets (2) and New York Knicks (2).  No other teams have multiple titles.

The Lakers/Celtics can only be compared to the New York Yankees. The Yankees have appeared in 40 World Series (out of 107 played, 37%) and won 27 (25%) of them.  They have more World Series titles than the next three teams combined, which are; St. Louis Cardinals (10), Oakland A's (9), Boston Red Sox (7).

Every once in awhile you will hear someone bring up the old salary cap argument for baseball. The NBA has a salary cap but the results are very similar to the MLB results.

How much of a difference would a salary cap make?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Strasburg's debut brings back the memories

Greg Fiume / Getty ImagesTalk about living up to the hype. Strasburg's line tonight 7.0 IP, 4H, 2ER, 14K, 0BB and the win. Oh yeah, he's overated.

He was just pounding the strike zone with his four-seamer sitting right around 98-99mph all night. His breaking ball was catching the corner, he was getting the favorable calls and not to mention it was the Pirates.  It was as close to being in Minors as you can be on an MLB field.  I think he will have a really great career in New York but for now we'll just be watching him get Greinked in Washington.

I was wondering how that compared to the Dodgers pitching prodigy's first start, so I looked it up.

Kershaw   - 6 IP, 5H, 2ER,   7k, 2BB

Strasburg -  7 IP, 4H, 2ER, 14K, 0BB

While Strasburg's start was a little better, he was pitching against the Pittsburgh Pirates.  Kershaw was pitching to Albert Pujols in his first major league game.  After the game I remember Clayton saying "He's good." 

I think these two will be battling each other for Cy Young's over the coming years.  They both project to be around for awhile.  As much as I wish Strasburg was pitching for the Dodgers though I would still rather have Kershaw right now.

Steve Jobs at D8

D8: Steve Jobs Onstage: Full-length Video

The full-length interview of Apple CEO Steve Jobs at the D8 conference with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher.