Sunday, May 3, 2009

Got to love that homecooking...

Back to back walkoffs result in the Dodgers doing something they have done since 1946, going 9-0 at home to start the season.  Of course they lost the pennant in a 3 game playoff with the St. Louis Cardinals so lets not do that again.

Friday's game was a great pitchers duel with Turtle getting the job done anyway he could.  Then Saturday's game with the bases loaded again it looked like Dre was gonna do the same thing.  Two balls to start the at bat, takes a strike on the outside corner and then just crushes a pitch to right field.  A few more feet and he's got a walkoff slam.

The Dodgers are not without their problems this year.  The starting pitching has looked good most of the time, but the staff is still really young.  Bills is showing what an ace is supposed to look like.  The Kid is having his flashes of brilliance (hello, 13 Ks?) with control problems sometimes.  Of course Sandy had his control problems at first too, but when he figured it out did he ever.  The Billingsley/Kershaw 1-2 punch is going to be potent for years to come.  Randy Wolf has been pretty good for a middle of the rotation pitcher.  He's not guaranteeing a win, but you know you have a shot to win with him on the mound.

Right now I think the Dodgers biggest problem is middle relief/setup man.  With Cory Wade back from the DL I'm hoping those problems go away.  As long as we can get the ball to Broxton with the lead and, this is important, ONLY 3 OUTS TO GET we should be doing pretty well.  I'm just nervous Torre is going to latch on to a few pitchers and over use them ala Proctor.  Speaking of that, why do the Dodgers need 13 pitchers?  Torre is only going to use 4 releivers at max so why bother even having the rest there? Can we call up Xavier Paul yet please?

All in all I think this season is starting out great (obviously) but there are pitfalls that need to be shored up before they come back to bite us in the ass.